As we grow closer to the end of the campaign for President era, why are my democratic friends pushing my buttons! Anyone who knows me knows I am a conservation Christian and I don't waiver on that. Yet they call me, email me or text me and tell how great Barack Obama is and what a wonderful president he will make. BTW, for the most part I try not to send them anything on the republican side, Guess what, I am not going to vote for him, nor am I going to change my mind!! I don't believe with him on his Robin Hood crusade..take from the rich and give to the poor, nor do I think because I exist I should have health care. I think if I work for and purchase health care, then I should have it. I think medicaid is a good program to help poverty children have health care. I don't agree with him on most all of his socialistic ideas, but most importantly, I don't believe how he feels on God's laws. I don't believe in abortion, whether for incest, rape or birth control. God clearly says, in Jeremiah 1:3, BEFORE I formed you in the womb..I knew you, before you were born, I set you apart. And in Isaiah 49:1,BEFORE I was born, God called me. I don't believe in PARTIAL BIRTH ABORTION, even in the welfare of the mother. Babies lives can be saved as can the mother and we don't need to use this as an excuse to abort the innocent lives of babies.
And believe it or not...I don't believe in war! We have lost over 4700 men and women in the Iraqi and Afghanistan war, but on average there are about 3700 abortions EACH DAY!! These numbers may be lower now but that is due to the "morning after pill" ru486. I believe that all life is precious in the eyes of Jesus. He clearly teaches, pray for those who despise you,Matt. 5:43 ,but war has been a part of the world since God created it. Cain killed his brother Abel, and God punished him for it. God is my judge and he is the ONLY one who I have to answer to. By the blood of Jesus, my sins are forgiven, he stood in my place on Calvary, and I can only pray that I can stand firm in HIS name, when hurls are thrown, questions are asked and my beliefs are questioned. I don't think John McCain will have all the answers..we are a troubled nation who have lost our first love..our love for God. We are too self absorbed in ourselves. Is MY life better? Do we give enough to others? Or do we wait for the government to help them out? Are we Joe Bidens' and have an income of 2.5 million and give 3,600 to charity? Are we stewards of what HE gives us? Luke 12:48 tells us, "When someone has been given much, much will be required in return; and when someone has been entrusted with much, even more will be required." I pray I can be more of a witness to HIM and do what is pleasing in his sight, not what might better benefit me.
This is Judy and I approve this message!