Wednesday, September 9, 2009


Summer has come and gone and we haven't been out of the state of Virginia! It seems strange as we were on the road so much coming to Virginia while we lived in Ohio. We are planning a trip to Hilton Head in October and I am so ready.
Other than life with Lucy things have been pretty much the same. I have gotten really involved in facebook and a couple of their applications, like Farmtown, and Farmville. I have met up with old high school friends as we talk and farm together. We did a girls night out where 11 of us got together for dinner. We had lots of laughs! We hope to do it again sometime.
Donnie has remained busy doing yard work and golfing. Hope he gets to continue to golf into the fall. He really enjoys it and is out of the house for about 6 hrs!! The only draw back to that is, I have Lucy duty!! She is a sweet dog, but man she can try my patience when she gets things she isn't suppose to have and we begin the chase through the house. Oh joy!! Seems like she always manages to land in the crate for a while when he is gone!!
Aaron and Allison continue to do well and stay busy with work. Aaron is still waiting for the opening of the SuperCenter in Clearbrook, which might happen next year. Allison remains busy in her job as a real estate closer. Quinn and his business is doing well also. It is so nice to call them up and meet for lunch or do dinner.
Mom and Dad continue to do well "for old people" as she says. It is a blessing to be close to them. My sister, has been in several times this year and we always have a good time shopping and eating and laughing! I am so blest to have a wonderful relationship with her and all our family.
As fall begins, so begins my Bible Study Fellowship(BSF). This year it is the study of John. I am looking forward to it and the time spent in His word and with other women searching what He has to say to us all.
I still enjoy blog reading from my friends in Ohio, although like me they are fewer and far between. I think facebook has done that to all of us. It is so much quicker and only need a sentence to say what is on your mind. It is a wonderful tool for sharing pictures and watching all the children grow up. I wish ALL my friends in Ohio would hook up to it! ..hint Laura, Cris, Neva, Billie. They would find how much fun it is and how much you can find out in just a day!!
With that I close this posting and wish everyone a Happy Fall!