Saturday, August 30, 2008


And not to a very good start. VT and MICHIGAN both lose, but WV won!! TN plays Monday night so will have to see how my record looks after that....

Thursday, August 28, 2008


The rain has come back to Virginia!! And boy have we needed it!! I can almost see the grass getting greener.

Along with the rain this week, comes college football!!!!! On Sat. VA TECH will be in CHARLOTTE, NC to play EAST CAROLINA, WVU host VILLANOVA, and MICHIGAN will host UTAH! The UNIVERSITY OF TENN begins SEPT 1 at UCLA! WOW!! Can I wait!!?? I guess I have to!! Actually, there are some games on tonight on ESPN. And yes, the chili beans are on the stove!!!

I might have to skip BARACK'S speech for football!!!!! I have to admit I have been watching the DNC this week, only to know my enemies!! I haven't heard anything to make me want to vote for the democrats, not that I would, but I am beginning to believe it isn't so much people are voting for the democrats, they are tired of the republicans and THINK the democrats will do a better job, so they will be voting out the republicans not voting in the democrats. Well, I know it has already been decided by God who will be leading our country, and I pray those who don't or haven't supported Bush will be able to support the new president and will pray for him. I wonder if all who think Bush has done a terrible job, and will be glad to see him go, have held him up in their prayers, or are they just happy to slander him.

Monday, August 18, 2008


We had a beautiful night on SMITH MT. LAKE. Not only did we have a beautiful sunset but we also had a full moon.

Saturday, August 16, 2008


What a fun filled week in olympics!! I have stayed up late watching swimming and gymnastics. Are those American athletes awesome, or what?? Michael Phelps is incredible in that swimming pool. And for those of you who may not know or care to know, he did his college swimming at, yes, the UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN!!!!!!!!!! Now, that is what GO BLUE means!!!

Also this week, I created a page on FACEBOOK. I guess I didn't think MYSPACE and a blog were enough..HA!!!!! But also found lots of people on FACEBOOK and have several friends added to my page.

And if that wasn't enough, it was time for me to upgrade my cell phone. Every 2 years when my contract comes due with VERIZON, I make a decision to upgrade my phone. This time I went with the maroon LG en2. It opens to a full keyboard which makes it easy for me to text. I still have several things to figure out about it, but I had 2 library books to read, so a how to booklet was not high on my list of to do this week!!!!!!

Tonight we go on the VIRGINIA DARE. We are doing this with the AEP RETIREE/VETERAN Association. Veterans are anyone who has 20 years of service with AEP. We went with this group to see a play about ELVIS at Mill Mountain Playhouse last month. They have monthly activites as well as a monthly breakfast. Donnie has been to one of the breakfasts. They have several trips planned which we won't be going to, but looks like a luncheon in November and a Christmas party at the HOTEL ROANOKE in December.

The sad part of our week was attending a graveside service. It was for Jim Sullivan, a 57 year old employee of AEP, who died from pancreatic cancer. He was Labor Relations Manager in Columbus. He and Donnie worked together and he was in Donnie's office nearly everyday. He was in our home several times for meals and even a VT football game with his son Bryce. He is from Roanoke, graduated from WILLIAM FLEMING(class of '69) , as did Donnie('66) and I('68). He was also a VT graduate. This dreaded disease took another friend.

Monday, August 4, 2008


Of course, it is also, hot hot hot!! We have seen several days in the 90's and more to come this week! Although we have had a couple of days at the lake on the boat keeping cool, most days we are in the air conditioning in the house! I used to think winter was when we hybernate, but I think it is summer. I close all my blinds, trying to keep the hot sun out, and open them wide in the winter trying to let the warmth in!!
With not a lot to do, unless I choice to, reading, as always is one of my choices of entertainment in summer. Haven't done as much this year as I have in past summers, Donnie and I have been watching shows we TIVO. We also watched season one of NCIS. Although we have watched it from the beginning it is fun to watch the series as they start. No wonder these videos are so popular in stores. We have season 2 of JAG, still trying to find season one.
Also, I am glad THE CLOSER is back for the summer. I have enjoyed watching this series since it started several years ago. I found out this year you can purchase the TOTE BAG she carries on QVC.!! I have been tempted, but haven't ordered it yet!! I watched DESIGN STAR and Food Network's the Next Food network Star. I liked who America picked for Design Star, I didn't like who was chosen for Food Network.
Last week I watched a show on ABC Thursday night called HOPKINS. It takes place at JOHN HOPKINS in Baltimore. It follows REAL doctors and their cases. Since last week was week 6 of a 7 week run, I had missed several. Most of you know I have had several medical "events" and for whatever reason I am attracked to these kinds of shows. Yesterday, I found HOPKINS online and caught up on the series. I found watching TV shows on the ole laptop most relaxing, you breeze throught the 30 sec. commercials and watch the shows in under 45 minutes. This show has lung transplants, heart transplants and brain surgeries. It is not for the weak stomach as they show some of the surgeries on air.
Well, as you can see, I am enjoying a laid back summer, trying to stay cool and loving our fresh tomatoes, cucumbers and peppers.

Friday, August 1, 2008


Today we celebrate our 38th wedding anniversary. Time surely does fly! Congratulations to Cris and Steve on their anniversary as well, and Happy Birthday to Stephanie!!!