Thursday, February 19, 2009


Well here is the latest to our family...Lucy child birth, no nursing, no diapers, no bottles.....just floors that have to be cleaned!!!!!!!!

Saturday, February 14, 2009



I received this in an email this week..

"Love covers a multitude of sins." I PETER 4:8

Today is Valentine's Day and it is all about romance, but love is not "just" about romance; in fact, it's not based primarily on feelings at all. Love is more a reflection of commitment to someone. It's not dependent on warm feelings but on a consistent and sacrificial decision to extend yourself for the well being of another. That commitment then produces feelings of love, not the other way around. Understanding this kind of commitment as you love others is a window into understanding God's eternal commitment of love for you. Love is an act of spiritual maturity based on the eternal significance of another person. When you learn to see others as God sees them, even those you dislike or who dislike you, you will be able to love them. Love isn't about receiving gifts or pleasurable experiences. Love isn't about what "you" get out of it. Genuine love bubbles over from a spirit of giving and sacrifice. Love is willing to sacrifice for the good of others, even to death. Would you be willing to give up your very life for the chance that another might come to know Jesus? This is the genuine love of God at work in you!

"I am giving you a new commandment: Love each other. Just as I have loved you, you should love each other. Your love for one another will prove to the world that you are my disciples." JOHN 13:34-35