I think we might be in the rainy season in VA! We were cheated out of snow this winter and we need the moisture. However, we would also like to have some of this rain later in the spring, in the heat of summer, and all not in March. At least it isn't a cold rain. The temperature today is around 55 degrees. I like rainy days, IF I can stay home! You can't see the dust on the furniture, but the dog gets wet when she goes out, and that doesn't make me a happy person!! But tomorrow when the sunshines again, paw prints on the tile, dust on the furniture,it will all be seen again. So, I think I will just enjoy the rainy day, read some, watch some cooking shows, play on the computer, cook some fresh green beans and some pinto beans.
The sound of the rain is making me sleepy..and I am not a napper!!
Hope you have some sunshine moments in your day..I know I will!!