Thursday, February 21, 2008


So, today I went back to my surgeon. Overall she thinks all looks good. However, I will be going for some physical therapy for the upper trapezius muscle. The muscle has become very tight, stiff, and uncomfortable. She said I need to do the therapy or it will continue to get worse. I will also be on ibuprofen for inflammation, using warm compresses and heating pad. She doesn't think I will have to take it long and they will probably show me what I can do at home. The scar itself looks good outwardly. On the inside, on the left side, where the mass was and where she removed 23 lymphnodes is still wide and hard. I am to massage it several times a day, continue to use Vitamin E or cocoa butter. Monday, I go for my blood work to see if I can take the RAI soon. I can say for sure... I will be glad when all is behind me and I can get on with life even if that means unpacking more boxes!!!

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